Article for Sac County Soil & Water Conservation District
2019 Annual Report
Jim Millenacker
Published in the Lake View Resort, Sac Sun and Chronicle.
The Black Hawk Lake Restoration Fund is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization, DBA as Black Hawk Lake Protective Association. (BHLPA). We are a volunteer group dedicated to the long term health of Black Hawk Lake and its watershed. We have over 200 members, individual and business, that contribute each year to our goals.
We work closely with the Iowa DNR Lake Restoration Program, Sac SWCD, City of Lake View and Sac County to promote and fund watershed and lake improvement projects.
2020 will be year 9 of the Black Hawk Lake Restoration Project and there are many benchmark goals that have been met to restore and enhance the water quality of Black Hawk Lake.
Here are some recent improvements…
The DNR recently completed dredging of Inlet Bay (Provost Bay) with a cost of 2.8 million dollars. The bay acts as a catch basin for the 13,000 acre watershed to Black Hawk Lake. Run-off sediment and phosphates will settle out in the bay, preventing them from entering the lake.
Excess aquatic vegetation is now controlled by the annual operation of an aquatic “vegetation harvester” and also with a spring time application of aquatic herbicide in targeted areas. The annual $36,000 cost for these projects is equally shared by the BHLPA, the City of Lake View and Sac County.
The new handicap access fish house built over the water in town bay was completed and is a great recreational asset to the lake. The BHLPA contributed $14.000 to this project.
A new “fish barrier and pump station” will be built between inlet bay and the lake. It will be used to control rough fish population (carp) and to promote water filtering vegetation in Inlet Bay. The BHLPA has committed $10,000 toward this project.
Our membership organized a capital fundraising project and will contribute $200,000 toward the acquisition of a spoil site for the upcoming lake dredging project.
Your membership in the BHLPA provides a voice of support for the water quality of Black Hawk Lake.
Sincerely, the Board of Directors, Brett Harman, Beth Noethe, George Mohrhauser, Jim Millenacker, Mark Freier, Frank Richardson, Jim Scott, Lisa Garrels, Wes Niles.
Black Hawk Lake Protective Association, PO Box 821, Lake View, Iowa 51450. email: website: