Black Hawk Lake
Protective Association
Welcome to Black Hawk Lake!
The Mission of BHLPA is to improve water quality and the recreational benefits of Black Hawk Lake.
- BHLPA membership dues are an investment in the immediate and future value of improving water quality and recreational benefits of Black Hawk Lake.
- BHLPA financially supports projects like the following that involve public/private partnerships.
- $25,663 – Vegetation Harvester(weed control in lake) since 2015
- $ 8,526 – Herbicide Application(weed control in lake) since 2015
- $200,000 Dredge Project for 2022
- $14,000 – Town Bay Fish House
- $10,000 – New Inlet Bay Fish Barrier and Pump Station
- $20,379 – Outlet Structure to Control Lake Depth
- $2,950 – Persons with Disabilities Fishing Dock
- $5,000 – EVAPCO Bio-Retention Cell
- $7,500 – Streambank Stabilization on Carnarvon Creek
- $ 350 – Drone Session for DNR ( Drained inlet Examination )
- $12,500 – Test Wells at Dredge Spoil Site
- BHLPA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Please become a member today.