BHLPA is a group of individuals, businesses and organizations dedicated to the water quality of Black Hawk Lake and its watershed.
The strength of our voice is in direct proportion to our membership size. By joining together, we have a strong and unified voice for preserving and protecting Black Hawk Lake.
Membership is open to any individual, family, business or organization that shares our goals of improving the water quality and recreational benefits of Black Hawk Lake.
The BHLPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your membership and contributions may be tax deductible.
The Black Hawk Lake Protective Association was formed in 2011 after people saw the need for a local organization to promote the water quality and recreational value of Black Hawk Lake. In 2004, Black Hawk Lake was listed by the Iowa DNR on the list of “impaired waters’ due to poor water quality resulting from erosion sedimentation, chemical pollution from fertilizer run-off and excess rough fish population. To correct these problems, the DNR relied on local community interest and financial support to prioritize the lake for restoration. Due to the tireless efforts of the Black Hawk Lake Protective Association and its many partners, we continue to pursue a 30 year plan to restore the lake and watershed.